Author name: Dev

Futurism, Numerology

Cyclonopedia – Code Cracked

On Sundays, when I’m in Istanbul, where I’m mostly living these days, I read Reza Negarestani’s Cyclonopedia: Complicity with Anonymous Materials (2008). I do this because of one of those bizarre synchroncities, Ah-hah moments, that very occasionally come into my life. Sometime in early 2024, I was sitting on a bench in a park adjacent […]

Alchemy, Numerology, Qabalah, Thelema

Tzaddi is not the Star

Crowley Rejects Meditation Aleister Crowley’s channelled work from 1904, Liber AL vel Legis, or Book of the Law, is famous for being riddled with, well, riddles, most of which he himself openly admitted he couldn’t unravel. Earlier on, I’ve had a crack at a few of the better known ones. This one is a little

Alchemy, Qabalah

My Alchemy & Bioenergetics book out now

Opening the Body with the Cube of Space My much-awaited new book, the first to weave together these fields, is now available on Amazon and elsewhere. Opening the Body with the Cube of Space explains the real nitty-gritty of the Alchemical process of self-illumination and how you can utilise Reichian and Bioenergetic techniques to speed it

Numerology, Thelema

Liber AL vel Legis revealed by Agrippa Cipher?

Aleister Crowley’s channelled work, Liber AL vel Legis, or Book of the Law (1904), is riddled, literally, with number and word puzzles that challenge the reader to comprehend. I had a crack at one of the two most famous ones a few months back. That was from Chapter III. This time I’m having a go

Futurism, Qabalah

The Techno-Christos Techno-Logos

Can human spirituality rewire itself, such that it can hold our future generations firm? Or will we be driven hither and thither in blind obedience to market algorithms and screen addiction? Is there a Techno-Christos, Techno-Logos being carried slowly up the hill to Golgotha? Such thoughts assailed me this morning as I walked up to

Numerology, Qabalah, Thelema

Plinthing Genesis: How Outside Agents Tag their Work

Some forty years ago, various mathematically oriented Christians began to write about the remarkable number symmetry of the opening line of the Old Testament. I myself wrote a piece about this some twenty years back, drawing on the original work of Vernon Jenkins. Let’s take a quick look at the Hebrew version of Genesis 1:1.

Alchemy, Qabalah

The Revelation – Cast, Characters, Plot

I’m writing a novel called The Wars that were in Heaven (out in Autumn, it’s #3 of the Lemurian Pushback series). The main chunk of the plot is that the biblical book of Revelation is actually a programme, analogous to a phone app, that has been installed in the reflective part of the human mind through us having been

Numerology, Qabalah, Thelema

Frater Achad was the Child of the New Aeon!

Alphanumeric Qabalah gives the proof The Beast-Muse is On The Loose! Charles Stansfeld Jones (1886-1950), better known as Frater Achad, was believed by himself and Aleister Crowley to have been the “Child of the New Aeon,” predicted in the Liber AL vel Legis, a work which Crowley channelled from a source known as “Aiwass” whilst

Numerology, Qabalah

Thoughts on Liber AL’s III:47 Mystery

Aleister Crowley’s channelled work from 1904, generally known as the Liber AL vel Legis, or Book of the Law, has, since shortly after its publication attracted those who love riddles. The book has numerous mysterious verses, several of which overtly challenge the reader to unravel them. Crowley himself had a fair crack at decoding these,


Love & Chaos – Two Initiations on the Tree of Life

The Qabalistic, or Kabbalistic, Tree of Life is the central glyph of both the Judaic and Western mystery traditions. There are thousands of books written about it. All I’m going to do in this piece is to write about the two types of initiation, or two types of transcendence, that may be pursued upon it.

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