
Alchemy, Thelema

The child of thy bowels, he shall behold them.

The Liber AL vel Legis – a well-known mystical text – was channelled by Aleister Crowley in Cairo in 1904. Crowley himself published numerous commentaries on the work, in his endeavours to understand and share just what he’d received. One central theme of Crowley’s writing on the Liber AL was the idea that it predicted […]

Alchemy, Qabalah

The Illuminated Ones

In these days where information can freely flow from one mind to another, unhindered by concerns for how true or otherwise it might be, there can be few people who have not heard the word, Illuminati – supposed beings with superhuman powers, invariably with malign intent for humanity. We’ve heard about the so-called Bavarian Illuminati.

Alchemy, Numerology, Qabalah, Thelema

Tzaddi is not the Star

Liber AL Rejects Meditation Aleister Crowley’s channelled work from 1904, Liber AL vel Legis, or Book of the Law, is famous for being riddled with, well, riddles, most of which he himself openly admitted he couldn’t unravel. Earlier on, I’ve had a crack at a few of the better known ones. This one is a

Alchemy, Qabalah

My Alchemy & Bioenergetics book out now

Opening the Body with the Cube of Space My much-awaited new book, the first to weave together these fields, is now available on Amazon and elsewhere. Opening the Body with the Cube of Space explains the real nitty-gritty of the Alchemical process of self-illumination and how you can utilise Reichian and Bioenergetic techniques to speed it

Alchemy, Qabalah

The Revelation – Cast, Characters, Plot

I’m writing a novel called The Wars that were in Heaven (out in Autumn, it’s #3 of the Lemurian Pushback series). The main chunk of the plot is that the biblical book of Revelation is actually a programme, analogous to a phone app, that has been installed in the reflective part of the human mind through us having been


The Book of Lambspring (2023)

The Book of Lambspring is a fascinating alchemical picture-book created at the end of the 16th century, and credited to Frenchman, Nicholas Barnaud. It consists of 15 plates, each with a brief commentary. The book appears to depict, in chronological order, the stages of the alchemical process as it applies to both spiritual / psychological

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